Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fake Boobs Means She is Trying....

The Pamela Anderson Process

Well another day , another sex related conundrum.

You may be able to tell i am fascinated by sex,now i know that comment doesnt exactly make me stick out in a crowd but i feel my fascination runs further than most.

You see i am fascinated by the undertones,the emotions and the processes that lead people on different paths.

It sounds ridiculus to some but my first issue always centres around this theory that overtly sexual people must have bad parental relationships.


I mean i like golf ,does that mean i hate my father and play to get attention?

I like football,does that mean my mom never cuddled me as a kid so i like being roughed up?

I also like cars,am i superfiscial?

No of course it doesnt,i play golf cause i like the walk,i like the surroundings,i feel exhilirated when i hit a nice shot not because Uncle Remis touched my special area

So why then is it wrong to love sex? I mean last time i checked it was physically built into our makeup that it feels great!

Why cant i want to grab a strange and attractive woman at a bar and take her to my car for a blowjob?

It no different than going past a golf course and thinking "wow that looks nice i should play there, that would make me happy"

To me sex is about the pursuit of happiness

Just like most of what we do its geared towards instant satifsfaction,our desire to be happy.

Now whats wrong with that?

Being a footballer is a more physically damaging way to please myself,the mental anguish that comes with golf is borderline self torture yet society loves someone who plays golf every day and judges someone who fucks every day.

This is the tip of the iceberg, comparing sex to sport as i did last week. It goes much deeper for example people who like dancing.

Dancing is like the little innocent sister to sex,it is similar in movement, involves 2+ people and often leads to sex but there are clubs everywhere, you cant go 5 minutes down a street in a city without seeing a club yet knowbodys Dad is saying go out and have fun just dont dance it immoral.Not unless you live in that town from Footloose in the 70s.

Now the counter arguement to "sex is just the pursuit of pleasure" is that it is intimate,that it leads to perversion and that people use it to hide their problems.

Well here is a news flash,you just described religion.

Now i have been to church and i believe in God but i also have a responsibility to try to be honest and last time i loooked a relationship with God was intimate,the Catholic church is rampant with perversion and religion is a great masking agent for your sins and problems.

Now i am not for one second saying sex is as good for you as religion nor am i saying that religion is bad, i personally think its great.But the point i am making is perception is what has made sex a taboo not so much what the outcomes or motives of sex are.

This brings me to todays topic......Plastic surgery

Some folks love it , some hate it.

I want you to take away 2 questions from this blog and give me some feedback in the comment section.

1.Does a boob job have a lot to do with how much you like sex and you promiscuity?

2.Is plastic surgery a person not being able to accept their flaws or merely a person trying to improve themself?

Here is what i think

Firstly i say good on anyone that gets plastic surgery, if thats what they want.If you do it for someone else or cause of a job  thats a seperate issue but is there really any harm in pumping up your tits or filling out those lips?

I dont see the difference between the 5ft2 girl who looks 5ft5 in her heels compared to the C cup girl who looks like a D cup with her fake boobs....your both lying,just one is spending their money on shoes,the other on silicone

It comes back to perception, when a woman wears lipstick her lips arent naturally that red, her eyelashes only jump out at you because of makeup and her teeth look white cause Colgate created whitening!

Its all lies,its not natural but more importantly its just people trying to better themself and why shouldnt they. You only live once , your always trying to get a better job ,a better car, nicer clothes so why judge those who have fake boobs.

Its a sign these girls  are trying and i personally find that a turn on,its much nicer than the slob who walks down the street making no attempt to be appealing .Show them to me girls i appreciate the effort you make to put a smile on my face when you walk past

The second issue comes down to sex, is a person with big fake hooters sluttier than the working mom with little bee stings....HELL NO

Some of the slutties people on Gods earth look from the outside like librarians

Maybe you could argue Miss Big Boobs wants more people to look at her but as i have mentioned most people want a nice car so you can cruise down Rodeo Dr looking like a tool...its no different. Jessica Jaymes or a Ferrari, i know which one i would rather ride.

I personally think the girl with the fake boobs may have self esteem issues and need the attention or she may just like big boobs.The girl with the pouty lips might have not got on with her father or she just might want big lips to make her feel sexy .

Sometimes it works,sometimes it doesnt.3 names from the adult industry jump out to me Lexi Diamond, Riley Steele and Nicole Aniston.They all started with small boobs and people still liked watching them fuck but now they have big fake tit and from a personal standpoint i am glad that happened but i know some freinds who disagree but at the end of the day its their call and they live with the consequences so dont judge

So next time you see a woman with huge fake ones dont immediately assume she is a whore or that she has daddy issues and remember even if she is a whore is that so bad its just like playing golf,you buy the best available equipment and get out there and have fun

The Blue Collar Aristocrat

P.S Any fake breasted women who love me defending them in this post feel free to contact me i love big boobs ;)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sex, Pornstars and Athletes , it just seems right!!!!

The Tiger Woods Debate- 
Sex, Pornstars and Athletes , it just seems right!!!!

So lets start this blog with one of my trademark sweeping generalizations and random observations.

The world wants to bundle sex and sports together!

We know this thru advertising, marketing and just the overwhelming desire for the Average Joe to use sports analogies to describe sex.

Further to my point ask yourself this why is sex 3rd base? Why do men brag about bring their “A game” to the bedroom? The answer to me is reasonably clear

Its starts with demographics, who is the biggest sports watching audience…..MEN ! Now ask yourself who spends the most time thinking about sex….MEN! So that’s the first link in the chain

So moving from the intellectual realm of the connection the next thing you notice is physical, you need to be in good shape to be a great athlete and you need to be in good shape to get lots of sex. Now before you tell me that you can have the moves to pick up and be out of shape my reply to that is Brett Favre, yeah you heard me Brett Favre.

See as valid as that point is , just like there is the occasional “player” that picks up despite his physical condition ,there are some sports people who succeed despite physical weaknesses like our old ,grey, slow friend Brett Favre. But its fair to say better body means better chance

There is link number 2…….physical condition

Next comes the link more specifically to Pornstars and Athletes

If I was to tell you my job involved being fit, lots of travel, getting roughed up, people watching me perform a physical activity for their entertainment, uniforms, performance enhancing drugs, large disproportionate sums of money and a short career time span you could easily think I was an NFL player but if you look deeper I could be telling you I’m a Pornstar.

The 2 careers  involve similar skill sets, similar personality traits and similar physical and mental tools.

Derek Jeter practices swinging the bat so when everyone is watching he knows how to perform the action, Kayden Kross practices blowjobs for the same reason and they are both motor skills

Ray Lewis hits the gym so his thighs are ready to hand out a smashing when he launches at a running back, Riley Steele does squats so she can squat up and down on a guy while the camera roles and deliver her own kind of smashing.

Then we look at the mental side of the 2,what is harder hitting a tennis ball against a wall at home or serving for the match in front of 20,00 at the US Open? Obviously people watching, an audience makes you nervous, it makes you doubt your ability ,the pressure effects performance but the elite athletes overcome that cause they are wired different. They are born to perform and love the attention

Same can be said for the stars of the adult world, I mean I don’t know about you but when I take a hot chick home and we start to get dirty I always have that voice in my head saying “I hope I’m big enough, don’t go soft on me, what move am I gonna use?” now imagine a room full of people in that scenario and a camera or 3 plus the knowledge that everyone including your family could easily view this online in about 2 days time? Kinda need a similar outlook on performing in the clutch.

Now I know the counter argument is hitting a golf ball like Tiger is a skill but anyone can have sex! Well last time I checked anyone can hit a golf ball its jus the level of success that varies and the same can be said for sex, we can all do, doesn’t mean we are all good at it like Jesse Jane. The people you see on your monitor when you go to redtube are talented, they are fit and they have refined their skills but most importantly they have an athletes mindset. They can handle the audience, the moment, the pressure.

It just works, the beautiful people always end up together we know that, know body respects a gorgeous female naked body more than the athlete who knows the sacrifice it takes to get in that kind of condition. But more importantly they are drawn to the same things via their emotional makeup. They are risk takers, live for the moment spotlight hounds.

For the Pornstar the lure of a physically fit guy who is traveling from town to town and just wants a rush of adrenalin that matches the roar of 80,000 fans on a Sunday is something that the risk taking women of this industry loves.

For the athlete the chance to get their hands on a sexy body that is not scared, shy or intimidated by their status or stature and is as refined physically at what they do as he is in his profession, its just too much

One of the big mistakes about beautiful women is they love the look of bad boys, no they don’t! They love the philosophy !! Dirty hair , torn clothes, body odor is no guarantee of getting a night of pleasure from Alexis Texas , it’s the psychological makeup , not the look.

The confident , fearless , I don’t care attitude is the lure for women who care only about pleasure and guess what most athletes have buckets of that. So rather than fucking in the back of a van with Flee from Van Nyes at 2am these girls can do it in a 5 start hotel with Tiger Woods and live large.

The thing about all this is I say good on them! If a woman is hot and wants to screw her way around town why shouldn’t she? I mean who doesn’t like doing what they are good at? And as far as I’m concerned if an athlete is willing to smash himself senseless in the name of my entertainment he deserves to have a silicone starlet rub all the sore spots better.

My main problem with this relates not only to sex but to violence, drug abuse and crime amongst both these professions.

When a linebacker destroys a man for running near him he is a hero and he spends all week being told to be a mongrel but if he losses his inhibitions on Thursday night after a few beers when Bob the Dry Cleaner tells him his team sucks, then he is a monster.

For Pornstars its worse, they are judged 100% of the time. They go on camera and for the most part do things we all do and obviously entertain the majority when you look at the surveys on porn consumption and look at the money in the industry yet they are called whores and accused of corrupting society.

You cant have it both ways if you have watched porn you don’t get to judge them and if you like sport don’t hate the player for being combative ,maybe this is the final reason Pornstars and Athletes just work, they are both idolized but isolated by what they do!!!Whether its as common as i think it is or not,it should be Pornstars and Athletes ,cut from a similar cloth

The Blue Collar Aristocrat