Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Tom Petty Talk-Free Falling

Well blogsters here we are again

Long time no speak

Today is a complex one and one in which i can only throw up a theory,the fear of falling,what is the difference between those who explore sex and those who dont?

Lets start at the beginning

We all have desires,we all have hormones and we all grow up relatively similar( lets focus on a western world culture)

So how in the hell do we have people ranging from those who are scared to let people see them holding the opposite sexes hand to those who get a rush from sticking a gerbil up their ass online?

Foundations of sex are pre determined in my eyes,like most psychological endeavors our influences start at a young age and its not only influenced by our immediate environment  .

The fundamentals of the family structure and relationships in countries like the US,England and Australia are so built into society even those who flaunt them feel a feeling of rebellion

I always work on the following principle to get an objective look at these situations.

If an alien spacecraft landed in your town today and you were given the role of explaining how our society works,would the values that we grow up with make sense to them?

Lets go step by step

Firstly we are told monogamy in a relationship and trust are the foundations  yet research shows that nearly 30% of people in relationships have stepped out,as in cheated and that most people believe that small lies spare peoples feelings

Seems like the fundamentals are a little off already

Secondly its human nature to seek out new and exciting things and our mind and body are urged on by different sounds ,smells and sights yet we are to believe we should only desire the touch of one person

Also a stretch if you ask me

Thirdly we see that underneath most peoples preconseptions is a thought of " it would be nice to sleep with other people"

So when we are telling these aliens that we desire many but can have sex with one,have natural desires but must oppress them and think in our core that it could work having multiple partners but we also judge that as the number 1 betrayal of love,there really is only one result.

They would think we are batshit crazy

So what makes that small minority in society say NO we dont subscribe to monogamy=love and we want pleasure for our partners in every way possible not just from me.

What tips them to that point?

Is it self confidence or self awareness? Is it two people meeting an agreement? Or one person to anothers needs?

I have not been in an "open" relationship or a swinger so i cant truly tell but it seems these people can push aside our natural ingrained instinct to connect monogamy to love.

Next time you find yourself checking out an attractive person of the opposite sex and thinking of the things you would like to do with that person ask yourself a few questions

1. why cant you feel that pleasure?
2.does those urges mean ou love your partner less?
3.if the answer to 2 is YES then is thinking it as much of a betrayal as doing it?
4.In every other facet of life we are asked to explore,broaden and endulge so why not something that almost guarantees pleasure

there are a million other questions but the core of it is the one that we have trouble separating

Monogamy = Love

I can easily argue i want my girlfriend to have the joy of tasting all the worlds best wines,see all the worlds natural wonders,hear every song that makes her foot tap yet i cant allow her to feel the touch of every person that can give her a new and excitng orgasm.

It just seems fundamentally flawed

I have a favorite song that i love and will always listen to but its not the ONLY song i listen to.I have my favorite pizza topping but its not the only one i have tried nor do i like it less cause i tried others

It seems that in a society of consumption and self gratification the one area that has not evolved is sex and love.Its the one realm where in order to have one we are to we have to restrict another.If we want love,you get one sex partner for life,if you want variety in sex,you cant have love.It just seems so petulant

Will there ever be a time when a majority will believe that sex is a tool of pleasure and as we wake every day seeking fulfillment and joy that it can be one of the tools to a better life or are we forever locked into the idea that people who love sex are perverted or cant fully love someone?

Think about this,men masturbate quite regularly and to me the reason is simple,it feels good and there is almost no way it can go bad.

If i go to a football game its great when they win and shit when they lose,a movie can make you laugh and cry or bore you to tears.Songs can inspire you or make you wish you were deaf yet with masturbating i cant remember ever walking away going "damn that sucked wish i didn't do that!"

Sex is much the same,not all experiences are positive and great but for the most part in a world full of bills,violence,stress,pressure,sickness and pain its something that puts a smile on peoples faces.Yet here we are limiting ourselves in how we consume it and what else we can have if we partake in it.

All things need boundaries and all things need to have their implications analyzed but we enter the discussion with such a chip on our should and on the defensive cause life has taught us MONOGAMY=LOVE

If  only we could create a vacuum where we could decide based on both peoples urges and natural tendencies how we wanted to define our relationships instead of  these sub conscious leanings towards such a strict rule and be what we are genetically built to be

People life isnt black and white,nor is sex! They say if it aint broke don't fix it well divorce  and infidelity rates tell us clearly that monogamous relationship are broken,open your mind and you might define your own values and become part of a group that slows the 55% divorce rate

Something to think about

Keep it real and live to feel

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