Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Rat Pack Hypothesis....Sex as a crew

Hi again guys

Well here we are ,another day , another rant

Just before we start I am pleased to announce not only am i now working with XSProductions, a great up and coming production and promotion company from my homeland Australia but I have been working with some local area sex therapists as we really explore the ideals behind arousal.

The experience has been eye opening ,I have come to see some of the unspoken costs of sex and at the same time been given the opportunity to see the glory of a healthy sexual life

It brings me to today's discussion

Sex crews

I dont mean  crews of people that all have sex together, more the fact that social circles that are more sexual tending to encourage more sexual exploration

We all know that group of girls who all fuck a lot of guys, they are the girls all the others talk about and call sluts.

Truth is they dont care and the reason although quite complex does include the fact that they are around like minded people.

Just like an alcoholic socialises with other drinkers, stoners seem to meet up and smoke weed and businessmen all go for post work drinks and talk stocks, sexual people tend to talk sex

Dick sucking is a lifestyle choice, a hobby, a sport. You dont have to do it, it doesnt pay your bills....usually!  and it isnt a basic human function

But get a group of wild women together and its a discussion point, the motivator behind looking sexy, a reason to go out and one of the things that defines them

That doesnt have to be a negative, if you like sucking cock and you like trying to get the hottest guy in your mouth, the biggest cocks in your hand,its no more or less of a strange persuit than many other hobbies.

The catch is due to the moral attachment that comes with your chosen lifestyle , it is much easier to have a group of friends who share the same interests.

It is no different to why comic book collectors hang out together, they are not into football so why hang with the jocks.

For promiscuous women there is a desire to be the queen bee and a need to be noticed.These are the kind of things that fuel certain behaviors

Do you ever ask why certain girls hook up with their friends and others dont? Or why some girls love threesomes but many are disgusted by them?

Simple its perception

In fact most women we ask say they are interested in hooking up at least 1 of their friends but don't.Many also say they would love to have a threesome and haven't cause they fear judgement. For the party girls of the world these things are not an issue,their friends not only accept it they embrace it.

If you are at church sex is sinful,at a porn convention its as everyday as brushing your teeth

If you grab coffee with your married friends sex is a chore they perform to appease their husband,if you get cocktails with five 21yr olds its what you do for fun on weekends.

Where and who you are with dictates how sexual you feel and can express

If your becoming obsessed with sex and its out of control chances are you need to change your socializing ,same works in reverse.If you are bored find some wild people and go express yourself.

Get a heap of curious women, searching for identity, wanting to experiment and place them in a created community that is liberal and what happens within that community stays private and BAM

You are who you are BUT you are who your socialize with too

If you are a person looking to be wild and your drab friends are holding you back there are many resources in 2015 to find a group of people that share your views and i encourage you to take that journey

 Embrace your inner slut,endulge in all your body desires and unleash

Treat it as a hobby

Treat it as a game

Have fun people

Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Mike Tyson Myth.....Punching

Bloggers this one is a curiosity

NO its not a Mike Tyson hitting a woman chat its the age old conversation of punching above your weight sexually

Have you ever walked down the street and seen an insanely hot woman with an average at best guy? Yeah we often assume its career or money motivated but i ask is there more to why we decide that she is hotter..........i say YES

I think it comes down to one simple fact

The female form is far far far more sexual and it leaves guys in a situation where its hard to be eye catching

When i look at a woman i can find her attractive based on her legs,her ass,her tits,her face,her eyes,her expression or her fashion.Now i know most of that is true for a guy as well but to me society has pushed the idea of the sexual components of a woman far more than that of males

ZZ top tell us "shes got legs and she knows how to use them" Do we really think a man can be sexual and control te opposite sex with is legs? Ive never heard a woman say "that guy is driving me wild i just need those legs"

We also "like big butts and we cannot lie" yet it takes a hell of a lot for a guy to attract women based purely on their ass!

I understand women often admire and enjoy looking at those parts on men but it doesn't define if they are classed as attractive or not.For a woman it can

I myself have slept with women based on just their boobs or an ass i needed to play with and i then consider that woman sexual or attractive.

I think for a man its more about the all over package of fashion,face and being physically fit which means most guys we see get a "eh" or "blah" and we straight away elevate the girl off the average guys arm cause she has so many more ways to be desirable

Its why men love lesbian sex but women dont watch lots of guy on guy porn.

Girls have more things to admire,play with and desire and it makes for a more sensual experience.So much so that lots of women sexually experiment with other women cause they want to explore the glory of the female form and men really dont go down that avenue with other men

Chances are the guy you are accusing of punching above his weight or having landed someone way out of his league is just with someone his equal that has huge tits or an ass that makes the mind wander.It distorts our view of peoples sexuality but ladies just remember in a society where you feel the need to starve yourself porn has shown men love all looks,styles and shapes n sizes,all you need is one good hook and a guy will find it and want to fuck you

So if you know your a decent looking dude and you are not getting the credit don't stress just be glad as a guy that we get to worship the opposite sex as they are the sexy ones


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Tom Petty Talk-Free Falling

Well blogsters here we are again

Long time no speak

Today is a complex one and one in which i can only throw up a theory,the fear of falling,what is the difference between those who explore sex and those who dont?

Lets start at the beginning

We all have desires,we all have hormones and we all grow up relatively similar( lets focus on a western world culture)

So how in the hell do we have people ranging from those who are scared to let people see them holding the opposite sexes hand to those who get a rush from sticking a gerbil up their ass online?

Foundations of sex are pre determined in my eyes,like most psychological endeavors our influences start at a young age and its not only influenced by our immediate environment  .

The fundamentals of the family structure and relationships in countries like the US,England and Australia are so built into society even those who flaunt them feel a feeling of rebellion

I always work on the following principle to get an objective look at these situations.

If an alien spacecraft landed in your town today and you were given the role of explaining how our society works,would the values that we grow up with make sense to them?

Lets go step by step

Firstly we are told monogamy in a relationship and trust are the foundations  yet research shows that nearly 30% of people in relationships have stepped out,as in cheated and that most people believe that small lies spare peoples feelings

Seems like the fundamentals are a little off already

Secondly its human nature to seek out new and exciting things and our mind and body are urged on by different sounds ,smells and sights yet we are to believe we should only desire the touch of one person

Also a stretch if you ask me

Thirdly we see that underneath most peoples preconseptions is a thought of " it would be nice to sleep with other people"

So when we are telling these aliens that we desire many but can have sex with one,have natural desires but must oppress them and think in our core that it could work having multiple partners but we also judge that as the number 1 betrayal of love,there really is only one result.

They would think we are batshit crazy

So what makes that small minority in society say NO we dont subscribe to monogamy=love and we want pleasure for our partners in every way possible not just from me.

What tips them to that point?

Is it self confidence or self awareness? Is it two people meeting an agreement? Or one person to anothers needs?

I have not been in an "open" relationship or a swinger so i cant truly tell but it seems these people can push aside our natural ingrained instinct to connect monogamy to love.

Next time you find yourself checking out an attractive person of the opposite sex and thinking of the things you would like to do with that person ask yourself a few questions

1. why cant you feel that pleasure?
2.does those urges mean ou love your partner less?
3.if the answer to 2 is YES then is thinking it as much of a betrayal as doing it?
4.In every other facet of life we are asked to explore,broaden and endulge so why not something that almost guarantees pleasure

there are a million other questions but the core of it is the one that we have trouble separating

Monogamy = Love

I can easily argue i want my girlfriend to have the joy of tasting all the worlds best wines,see all the worlds natural wonders,hear every song that makes her foot tap yet i cant allow her to feel the touch of every person that can give her a new and excitng orgasm.

It just seems fundamentally flawed

I have a favorite song that i love and will always listen to but its not the ONLY song i listen to.I have my favorite pizza topping but its not the only one i have tried nor do i like it less cause i tried others

It seems that in a society of consumption and self gratification the one area that has not evolved is sex and love.Its the one realm where in order to have one we are to we have to restrict another.If we want love,you get one sex partner for life,if you want variety in sex,you cant have love.It just seems so petulant

Will there ever be a time when a majority will believe that sex is a tool of pleasure and as we wake every day seeking fulfillment and joy that it can be one of the tools to a better life or are we forever locked into the idea that people who love sex are perverted or cant fully love someone?

Think about this,men masturbate quite regularly and to me the reason is simple,it feels good and there is almost no way it can go bad.

If i go to a football game its great when they win and shit when they lose,a movie can make you laugh and cry or bore you to tears.Songs can inspire you or make you wish you were deaf yet with masturbating i cant remember ever walking away going "damn that sucked wish i didn't do that!"

Sex is much the same,not all experiences are positive and great but for the most part in a world full of bills,violence,stress,pressure,sickness and pain its something that puts a smile on peoples faces.Yet here we are limiting ourselves in how we consume it and what else we can have if we partake in it.

All things need boundaries and all things need to have their implications analyzed but we enter the discussion with such a chip on our should and on the defensive cause life has taught us MONOGAMY=LOVE

If  only we could create a vacuum where we could decide based on both peoples urges and natural tendencies how we wanted to define our relationships instead of  these sub conscious leanings towards such a strict rule and be what we are genetically built to be

People life isnt black and white,nor is sex! They say if it aint broke don't fix it well divorce  and infidelity rates tell us clearly that monogamous relationship are broken,open your mind and you might define your own values and become part of a group that slows the 55% divorce rate

Something to think about

Keep it real and live to feel

Tuesday, April 08, 2014


Hi guys

This is just a little update to respond to the questions i have been getting about where to find more of my content

Here are the links



Instagram(still being built)


Get CONNECTED and get in touch

HERE are some of the upcoming campaigns

-Over on TWITTER we are  promoting all the sexiest girls every day of the week so submit yout pics to @bikiniandbeyond for a  RT

-Each MONDAY we will launch a new themed PICTURE competition with the winner getting a spread on this blog,twitter and instagram as well as an interview by yours truly

-At XSProductions we are a one stop spot for modeling work,erotic content and photography services

-At XSVids we provide a service for those looking to have their private memories captured 

Monday, April 07, 2014

The Freddy Mercury Feeling

Hey there sex fans its your old friend BCA

Today is kind of an interesting one

Exhibitionism,vanity and performance and why we love them

See with the advent of social media the world has gone "look at me" crazy and i could not be happier.This generation posts pics on Facebook, Instagram,Twitter ,Foursquare,Tumblr and a whole myriad of other sights and the my eyes are on overload

The old expression is show me a gorgeous wife and i will show you the husband that is sick of fucking her and this brings me to my point.

There are so many beautiful women out there putting it all on the line for my pleasure and the variety is a rush.

On any given day  can fill any urge,small tits,big tits,skinny,sporty,chubby,black,white,asian lationo, softcore, hardcore it goes on and on and thats what we all really want isnt it?

I mean i love music not a single song,i love food not just apples so its my nature to consume a variety of everything and social media has made that available in the skin industry god bless it

I started to ask myself what motivates the average woman to take half her clothes off and post it on the internet then it hit me


Its a basic human urge to win admiration and be the centre of attention.It drives sports people,rock stars,actors and the kid in school that will do anything for a dare

With society getting fatter on average and social media allowing us to reach a broader audience more and more women are taking pleasure in men sitting at home cock in hand looking at their pics.

It begs the question ladies,does the idea of how your pics are being used cross your mind?Do you feel a rush from the idea a guy is crouched over your pic about to unleash his load?

For me if a girl wants to see a pic of my cock,the first thought i have is of her sitting there fingering herself looking at the pic and the fact that in that moment im holding her hostage sexually

I suggest some do it to be famous ala Kim Kardashian,some do it to act out and have a secret online life,there are those who get paid well for it and then there are the ones who need the confidence boost.But one things seems to be central to it,we like to show off

I can imagine the rush of seeing your facebook pic beep over and over as you get more likes on that photo of your ass in a thong,i can feel the rush as everyone retweets your topless selfie and i understand why you do

Just promise me you will all keep doing it cause i love seeing new tits,i adore seeing new ass and well pussy is great all day every day.

Thats all i gots to say but that,im off to troll the net for the latest and greatest and lock my eyes on a new prize


Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Audtion Phenomenon leads to SWING

Well bloggers here we are again


I have a lot on my mind and it starts with this

I have now partnered with an indie company XSProductions and i am excited to work with these cats as they try to put a new spin on the over flooded adult industry

As you know i preach to those with intellect,the power of the mind and a knowledge of our most sexual tool

These guys are taking 50 shades of Grey and making it an artform

But working with a company that has to recruit talent and create art brings me to a porn phenomenon , casting videos!

Now on the surface its simple, girl goes to reply to ad, guy tricks her into sleeping with him and he doesnt pay her for her work

Now why does this arouse men?

Again its about POWER and its about the ability to discover sex in an unconventional way. Now so strong are those desires we look past all the obvious reasons these are staged

1.No use of condoms even though you claim to be fucking someone off the street
2.All films are in the same room yet authorities never track down those responsible for illegally producing content
3.TERRIBLE acting by the ladies
4.Most the girls are on other sites or have already been filmed
5.It really isnt that easy to con a woman into letting you blow on her face

Now im not saying some of these sites are not real and i will say i like them,there is a sexual innocence to a girl going beyond their comfort zone and being vulnerable.I personally love Backroom Casting Couch its great entertainment

But it does again illustrate that sex is about the situation, the thoughts you have and power

Its the fundamental flaw in relationships and at the same time it cannot be solved by open relationships

WHY you ask

Well if we feel we can only have one person we desire the unkown,the risky,the sneaky and the naughty so most people have some level of interest in wandering

That brings me to swinging and open relationships,now on the surface going and screwing whoever seems great and at first it works great but like most things that involve excess eventually you need a kicker to put you over the edge.There is no sin , no excitement,no sneakiness or no lashing out in open relationships because they are doing what they are allowed just like in a regular relationship

If you ever get to speak to someone from an open relationship ask them their biggest fantasy,it usually still involves doing something they should not and in the "lifestyle" community the main complication is people continuing to play outside of their own home with someone they have been restricted from seeing or have a connection with

Moral to the story it all comes back to power and mental stimulation,girls dont just let any guy with a camera cum on your face and men.....well men just indulge in that fantasy all you want cause it makes sense

BAMN im BACK baby

Sunday, September 22, 2013

INTERVIEW with Aussie Gal Scarlett Morgan

1)Tell us a little about what you do and where you are from?

Well, It is a long story that is best kept short, Father was in the Defence force and Mother a Teacher so you can Imagine I have moved around a fair bit in my life. Happily settled on and loving the Gold Coast for over 16 years.
I am a Photographic model, Although I have been recently been getting a bit of Acting work as well in Music videos and TV commercials. 
 I study Beauty Therapy during the week and then when Friday hits I am busy being the life of the party, Topless waitressing and also performing exciting strip shows . I love everything that I do !!!

2)What is your dream job?
What I am doing right now , would love to break in to American and European market..

3) How do guys react when they see you in bars?
It varies, usually the ones I like are too shy to talk to me and I am too shy to approach them... you can see how this may be a problem

4)In one sentence describe your sex life?
Oh yes Oh yes !!!! ohhh Im going to  mmmmmmm oh yes fuck fuck fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk......    I have the best sex ever :)

5)Whats the wildest experience u have had in the bedroom?
Just one ? and does it have to be in the bedroom ?
lets just say I like my sex on the kinkier side and rope, whips and sex toys are all welcome !! Hitachi Magic wand especially !!

6)Whats the one thing you have always wanted to do in the bedroom?
a MMF threesome would be fun

8)Turn ons in a guy?
Funny, caring men who are not too arrogant a good heart, a bit of a rock star appearance doesn't hurt either

9)Turn ons in a girl?
somebody who is confident and happy, A smile is the most attractive thing a girl can wear !

10)How would a guy best pick you up and get you to his bed?
Politely ask me out on a date, you would be shocked if you knew how few people actually ask me out. don't be cocky or rude. and please no surprising me with cock shots on Facebook . If i want it I will ask. 

11)Ultimate fantasy ?
Big sexy orgy. my place right now !!! :)

12)Name the 1 female  celeb u would most like to hook up?
Monica Bellucci

13)Describe your average Saturday night?
Hey guys wanna see me put this condom on this banana with my mouth 

14)One thing guys don't know about beautiful women?
we fart too  hahahaha

15)One sentence describe how an orgasm feels for you?
I think I may have covered this already...just got to get the spot and I can ride that wave for what feels like an eternity

16)What are your thoughts on plastic surgery?
I believe if you want surgery then fine but you are beautiful the way you are . love natural women and small boobies. rock it with confidence !

17) should women be judged for sleeping around?
only if men are, just stay safe and then everyone can be happy and disease free.

18)Do all girls cheat and explain your answer?
I don't think a yes or no could answer this correctly. I just wish people could be more honest with themselves as well as their partners.  If you are not getting something from a relationship talk about it. perhaps your partner might be ok with that threesome or indulging that fetish after all. 

19) Have you had forbidden sex either with someone you shouldn't or at a time u shouldn't and what was the experience like?
Forbidden no but I have had an experience with a very dear friend and while we probably should not have, it was a magical night.

20)Describe your body from smell to touch to look in detail for our readers
Dark locks lightly brushing over my nipples which stand firm and curves are defined and womanly soft yet firm to the touch. Dark and perfectly groomed hairs draw your eyes down lower to a neat kissable pout between my legs. curved bottom perky and lifted up to the ceiling,I smell sweet with a hint of naughtiness


Visit this wonderful specimen on twitter and facebook and have a gooooood look,you wont be disappointed 
 FACEBOOK:Scarlett Morgan                                                                        TWITTER:Scarlett Morgan