Sunday, January 15, 2012

Email with Up and Cumming Aussie Pornstar Bella Maree

Email Interview Bella Maree

Firstly Bella thanks for your time

So lets start at the beginning, what do you do currently, I notice your facebook has some gorgeous shots of you in not too much clothing?

I’m an Adult Entertainer in Adelaide, SA or as some people say Stripper lol. That explains the pics with very little clothing on ;)

I also visited your facebook ( and noticed you are considering a career in porn? Why and what appeals to you about it?

Hahaha considering......defiantly doing ;) I will be starting out this year with a couple of well known Australian companies making Girl/Girl porn. It is something that I have wanted to do since I got into the Adult Industry and as I’m bisexual it kind of made sense to do cheeky stuff with beautiful ladies.

Are you a really sexual person in your private life, does sex play a big part in your week?

Yes I am!! It doesn’t have to be intercourse but any kind of pleasure everyday of the week is fine with me ;)

Tell me your favourite sexual experience?
*It was actually a threesome with a couple around 2 years ago that I had NEVER met before. It was my first proper experience with a couple and I was so nervous!! I had no idea how I was going to pleasure 2 people at the same time and not leave anybody out. After a few drinks and a casual chat, we hit the spa and the magic happened. I can’t go into the whole story as they wouldn’t be very impressed if they found out I was sharing confidential things on the internet but, it was AMAZING!!!  

Size, Girth, Both or how you use it?

I’m a how you use it kind of girl ;) One piece of advice for all you guys out there.....don’t thrust like a jack rabbit all the time as it does NOTHING for us!! Learn to pleasure your girl like she deserves and stop being so fucking selfish.

Bad Boys, clean cut, sporty what grabs your eye first?

You need to look after yourself well but I go for what’s inside more than the outside. If your confident but not cocky, treat me like a princess and can put up with all the crazy shit I do without questioning it, you’re my kind of guy ;) This is exactly what my current man is like haha!!

Are guys intimidated by you when you are out on a Saturday night?

Well I work every weekend so it’s hard to answer that question but when I do get the chance to go out, they seem to be a little and I have no idea why.

If so what should they do, what’s the secret to picking up a sex bomb like yourself?

BE YOURSELF and don’t approach me when your rolling drunk because I won’t even acknowledge that your there!

Do you think sex with a stranger is hot?

It defiantly can be under the right circumstances ;)

Who do you fantasise about sexually?

I don’t actually fantasise over one particular person. It’s more like the situation that I’m in and what’s surrounding me. For example, I love bondage so thinking about being chained up but a bunch of ultra sexy women and being pleasure by them is more my type of thing ;)

How often do you masturbate and do you use toys?

I would have to say every other day that I’m not having sex lol and yes I use all sorts of toys, if I can be bothered reaching for the bottom draw.

Would you like to see a porn industry start up in Aus featuring home grown talent?
*There are already some of them around if you know where to look hahaha but yes, Australia needs a bigger Porn industry for sure.

Does Australia need more adult night spots and strip clubs and what should they offer?

Hmmmm I don’t think so. The reason why I say this is because when you actually work in the clubs and there are so many in the same city, it’s harder to make money. We only have 3 strip clubs here in Adelaide and from what I have heard, it’s still hard to make money some nights. I guess I look at it from a $$$ point of view though!

Would you go to a sex party?

HELL YES!!! These days I would watch the boys and play with girls though hehehe ;)

Is the USA too relaxed on sex or are Aus too uptight?

Australia is way too uptight!!! People in Oz need to relax and learn to go with it rather than worrying about the little things all the time.

You’re located in Aus, do you wish there were more opportunities down under for women in the adult industry?

Yes but it depends on how far you want to take your career in the porn industry! If you want to go all the way, get your butt over to the US I say ;) With saying this, it’s allot harder for men than women to actually get into the industry, so I wish they had more opportunities to work with. 

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